Registration Form 2024

Camper Information

Child's Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian Name 1(Required)
Parent/Guardian Name 2(Required)

Emergency Contact Information (must be different from Parent/Guardian listed above.)

Emergency Contact 1(Required)
Emergency Contact 2(Required)

Person/s Authorized to Pick Up Camper/Child

Name 1(Required)
Name 2(Required)

Medical Information

Child's Physician's Name(Required)
I am registering my child for the following camp session/s:(Required)
I will be invoiced $325 for 1 camp session. If I register my child for 2 camp sessions or I register more than one child, I will get a 10% off discount. If my child is a current Flexible Thinkers' client, I will get a 5% off discount for 1 camp session.(Required)
My preferred form of payment is – (Note: A processing fee of 3.5% will be added to credit or debit card payments.)(Required)

How did you learn about us?(Required)

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.